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For anything else, please contact Cathy by one of the following methods:
A wonderful start to the New Year with feeling so honoured to receive this latest award for the Sanctuary.
Thank you to the people that nominated me and to APAC for recognising 21 years of sheer hard work, dedication, commitment but most of all my love and passion to help humanity.
I am looking forward to another amazing year and I hope to see or hear from you soon :-)
Meditation Teacher Training - Begins on the 23rd February 6pm WST for five consecutive weeks
Internationally Certified Tantra Training Modules 1 and 2 - Begins on the 10th February for three consecutive days and in Sydney on the 23rd March
Internationally Certified Tantra Training Module 3 - Begins on the 17th February for five consecutive days and the next intake will be on the 4th May
Internationally Certified Tantra Training Module 4 - Begins on the 2nd March for four consecutive days
Certified Reiki Shoden Training Level 1 - 10th March
Couples Sensual Massage Workshop - 17th March
Couples Retreat Celebrating Sacred Love - Begins on the 16th May and finishes on the 19th